River Diamond du Castel de la Roche aux Fées


Born 20.5.2020 in France,
bred by Florence a Sylvio Faurez.

Riva - at the moment our youngest one, she earned her nickname "Mazlinka (Cuddlie)" due to her nature. I had the privilege to select name for her together with Mme Faurez, and managed to compose it of the names of my other dogs. River refers to Mississippi (Pippsi) and Diamond refers to Boon's middle name - Boon Jewel. She is the funniest little girl who has been stealing my cosmetics from her early age, borrowing my glasses, and taking them to the garden, loving handkerchiefs…. all this, of course, only when she cannot be caught in the act. She can shred papers to the highest level of secrecy, but luckily, she doesn't enjoy it that much anymore. She had her first litter in 2023. She has been a wonderful, tireless and caring mummy. I just observed with admiration how she was able to cope with everything during giving the birth and upbringing of her first child. I look forward to her next babies, I'm sure they will be beautiful again.


C. I. B.
Champion ČMKU ČMKU
CZ-SK Grand Champion
CZ-SK Champion
CZ-SK Junior Champion
Club Champion CZ CZ
Club Junior Champion SK SK
Club Winner CZ – 2022 
Club Winner SK - 2022
Club Junior Winner SK – 2021
National Winner CZ CZ
BIS Minor Puppy BKS 2020
2 x BIS Junior BKS 2021
2 x Res. BIS BKS 2021 
BIS BKS 2022

Coton of the Year by Cotonland BOB 2022 
Coton of the Year by Cotonland BOB 2021
Coton of the Year by Cotonland BOJ 2021